Thursday, December 2, 2010

Just Greatness' Presentation on World Hunger by Tashiana Hudson @02652609

Just Greatness decided to divide their presentation according to their separate areas of study. One member, an economics major, informed us that there is a large food supply and the supply does equal the demand. However, the cost of supplying this food is greater than the revenue gained. Many countries don’t supply food, because it costs billions to donate and ship it. She also discussed the idea that the social cost of not shipping the food, the death of many people who could contribute to the world, is much greater than the economic cost of shipping it. This member also interviewed Professor Enrique Lopez lira, who said that we need a method of distribution that is safer and less costly.
Next, a political science major discussed world hunger from a political perspective. She gave a few definitions of hunger and explained that the underlying factors of world hunger are failures in economic and political systems. She interviewed professor of Pan-Africanism Wright Pan, who listed some solutions including creating stable governments in third world countries and creating jobs so laborers can be consumers. The professor also explained that the reasons for instability in third world country have a lot to do with members of first world countries pitting groups against each other to stay in power.
Another group member discussed the issue from a psychological perspective. He discussed hunger being the first rung on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs because it is a physiological need. He said that hunger slows development because of a lack of food and issues with fights for the food that is available. As a temporary solution, he suggested the use of adrenaline, which stops hunger by constricting the intestines.
Next, a nursing major discussed the fact that hunger is the way the body tells us we need to eat. She informed us that organs cannot function without food and nutrients, so the body essentially begins to eat itself. She also said that scientists are looking into nutrients in tablet form and pointed out that seventy-six countries have greater than five percent of their population starving.
Finally, a communications major discussed the fact that the media can help by highlighting the problem, using emotional appeals to get people to donate food and money. Overall, I thought this was an interesting and informative presentation.

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