Friday, December 3, 2010

Dr Dunstan's Lecture- Sara Tosi @02647875

I was really disappointed with Dr. Dunstan’s lecture. It felt more like a motivational speech than anything. Dr. Dunstan expressed confidence that the class of 2014 would do great things. While it’s nice to hear, that’s not the kind of thing that helps me with research. She also told us “that each of you is a product of love”. At that point I gave up taking notes. We get enough mandatory motivational speaker events at Howard; we don’t need them in class too. Dr. Dunstan spent her entire forty minute speaking time on her introduction. We didn’t even get to hear her lecture on the Human Genome Project. She says in her power point presentation that there is a lot of knowledge to gain by mapping and studying the Human Genome. She also said that Howard must be involved in producing this knowledge and distributing it to increase wisdom. There are a lot of interesting graphs and maps in Dr. Dunstan’s presentation but it’s difficult to interpret them without having had her explain them. Overall, Dr. Dunstan stated that we should shift our focus on medicine to biology to generate wisdom about health.

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