Thursday, December 2, 2010

Final Reflection by Tashiana Hudson @02652609

Going into Freshman Seminar, I thought I would be enduring a very long and boring course on study techniques and social skills. However, the course turned out to be completely different from what I expected and was not boring at all. As the course went on, I found out more and more that it was more a course on having pride in our cultural heritage and the history of our school than anything else. I usually found the lectures interesting, if occasionally confusing, and I thought the subjects and professors were well-chosen. My favorite was Dr. Gbadesin’s, because it included an anecdote and even a demonstration of African talking drums.
I really enjoyed the trip to the African burial ground, as well. I really felt that it was an important place to visit and I learned a bit about our cultural history there. Going through the sculpture there and leaning about the symbols engraved on it was a memorable experience. It also allowed me to see my sister, which was nice.
Finally, I thought the research project was fairly useful. My group did a question that I found really interesting and had wondered about before. Our question was about why the HIV/AIDS rate in D.C. was so much higher than in other areas, and though we did not find an exact answer, we did come up with some theories and found out about research that is being done and programs that are being instituted to decrease the problem.
Overall, I thought the objectives of Freshman Seminar could have been outlined more clearly from the beginning, because I really didn’t understand them until Dr. Williams’ presentation, but I thought it was a nice course to take and I feel that I learned a lot.

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