Friday, December 3, 2010

Peer Presentation 1- Sara Tosi @02647875

Just Greatness’s presentation on world hunger was very well done. I thought they made a good choice of research question because hunger is a problem that we can all relate to. It’s also a problem that we can all help hands on in our community by volunteering and donating. The members of the group explained the different parts of the world affected by hunger, included how we are affected locally. They explained what hunger does to your body and the various nutrients that your body needs and what happens when they aren’t available. They explained that hunger is an economic problem because there IS enough food for all the hungry people on the planet, but it’s not getting to them because of costs. They discussed some possible solutions to hunger such as a tablet that would have necessary nutrients. They also discussed some affordable water purification methods. Just Greatness urged us to think about how much food we waste here at Howard. They presented their research very well and I felt more informed at the end of the presentation. All members of the group seemed to have put a lot of work into the project.

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