Thursday, November 11, 2010

Peer Presentation 2: By Melat Gebre @02640216

The group that presented was the “Dreamers and Believers”. Their topic was about HIV/AIDS. The “Dreamers and Believers” began their presentation by giving a brief summary of the history HIV/AIDS. They said that the first cases were seen in N.Y. HIV/AIDS was first called “gay cancer”. In 1985, the first test for HIV was made. “Dreamers and Believers” also said that no one dies from AIDS directly. They went on to talk about HIV/AIDS from the perspective of administrative justice and from a fashion perspective. From an administrative justice “Dreamers and Believers” said that there should be more HIV testing in penitentiary. There should also be more HIV awareness in penitentiaries. If the inmates were more aware of HIV, then the HIV rate would be lower. From a fashion perspective, models, designers are getting more proactive in the fight against AIDS. FAA is an organization that stands for fashion against AIDS, DAA stands for designers against AIDS, and MAA stands for models against AIDS. All of these organizations have a common goal of HIV prevention and awareness. “Dreamers and Believers” also mentioned that television has had a great impact on HIV awareness. More and more celebrities are doing commercials that advocate HIV awareness. These commercials are usually clever and very impactful. These commercials appeal to the younger audience, which happens to be that age group that is most affected by HIV/AIDS. Overall, I thought that “Dreamers and Believers” had a very straightforward and clear presentation. Their presentation taught me about some HIV/AIDS awareness groups.

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