Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Peer Presentation 1: By Melat Gebre @02640216

The group that presented is “The Chosen Ones”. Their topic was the influence of media on the perception of black women. They also talked about the stereotypes of black women. “The Chosen Ones” presented their topic from four main perspectives. These perspectives include nursing, English, psychology, and fashion merchandising. From a nursing perspective they mentioned Jada Pinkett Smith who plays an African American RN (registered nurse) on a popular television show. They said that this progress from when black women were shown on television as always staying in the house and wearing an apron. Smith demonstrates that working influential women are more accepted in today’s society. The second perspective was English. They mentioned Maya Angelou’s poem “Phenomenal Women”. They also mentioned Queen Latifah’s song “Unity”. “The Chosen Ones”, explained that these women are examples of people in the media who not only set a positive example for black women, but also change the perspective in which black women are displayed in the media. From a psychological perspective “The Chosen Ones” explained how the media advertises skin lightening creams and hair treatment; this causes black women to have low self-esteem. What the media displays as “beautiful” causes black women to become unhappy with their appearance, which then causes them to purchase these products. From a fashion merchandise perspective “The Chosen Ones” said that people learn from television. Many of these television shows reinforce the typical African American stereotypes. Television also depicts that “beautiful” African American women have lighter skin and long hair. Television also shows all African Americans to be the same. Overall, I enjoyed “The Chosen Ones” presentation. I felt they were very thorough and clear.

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