Friday, November 12, 2010

Peer Presentation 1, By: Melissa Moise @02644455

I chose to do a peer reflection on The Chosen Ones who chose to do their research problem on How does the media influence societies perception of African American Women? As an African American woman I think it’s important that young girls know they are beautiful and important no matter the shade of their skin color or their size. Most of the time black women on t.v. or in magazines are the light skin girls with the curvy bodies and “good hair” This is a problem for black girls because they think if they don’t have light skin or good hair their not pretty.
The chosen ones discussed the different stereotypes black women on t.v. faced like mammy, video vixen, and the stay at home nurse like in “Gone with the wind”. Even though there are shows like Hawthorne that represents a black woman with a respectable profession she is still light skin with a thin body. Dr. Harrell believes many young people think they have to use skin lightning creams and all these hair products to make them feel attractive and give them self-esteem. Karen Roberts who has worked on t.v. for fifteen years says, the media perceives African American women as either overly independent or sluts. The media also portrays blacks as only entertainers, athletes, and criminals, like were not good for anything else. Although there is all this negativity authors and musicians like Maya Angelou and Queen Latifah have tried to represent black women in a positive way.
Overall the chosen Ones did a great job, because their research question was relevant and they related the question to all their majors. They also gave many examples like t.v. shows, authors, and musicians. Most importantly it was an interesting topic.

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