Thursday, November 18, 2010

Final Self-reflection By: Melat Gebre @02640216

My first perceptions about what freshman seminar would consist were not accurate. I thought the class would just be an overview of how Howard University functions. I did not expect to have guest lecturers nor did I expect a group project. My favorite part of the class was the guest lecturers and my least favorite would have to be the blog entries. Although I do not like the blog entries, I do understand that they are necessary in order for the instructors to confirm that we are learning from these lectures. The group project taught me how to work with others in a more effective way. It also served as a way to practice my public speaking skills, because we had to present in front of an audience of students and faculty. I do not enjoy public speaking so this class forced me to get out of my comfort zone. My favorite lecture of freshman seminar would have to be Dr. Gbadegesin’s lecture. I thoroughly enjoyed his story about the importance of character. I was also able to relate with him, because I am also Africa and was born in Africa. In conclusion, I do feel that freshman seminar is an important class that needs to be kept. I learned a lot from the lectures and I also learned a lot about the history of Howard that I did not know about. One suggestion I do have is that I felt like there was an organizational problem with this class. Many times things would not start on time and many people were confused on where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing. Overall, I did enjoy freshman seminar and I did learn a lot of new things.

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