Sunday, October 24, 2010

Faculty Interview, by: Melissa Moise @02644455

To me, our meeting with the faculty mentors was not the most successful. The first meeting was much unorganized and it was not only because students were late and did not know where to go. First my groups' mentor was late which gave us less time to speak to her the first time. Also too much time was wasted on separating groups into the different rooms and calling out all the groups and making sure they were present. There were also still some students who did not know which group they were in. By the time everyone separated into their groups and the mentors introduced themselves class was over. We also had to fill out mbongi forms, but I could only say that it was unorganized and that my group changed our topic.
The second meeting was more productive, my group was able to discuss our topic in more detail. Also we were able to talk to our faculty mentor Dr. Kai who went over the rubric with us and gave advice for presenting our project. We were not able to interview Dr. Kai, but we did leave early to interview other faculty members. My group member and I Melat Gebre went to the biology building to interview someone about the aids epidemic in D.C.
We were able to interview Dr. Barpha S. Mirtha and get a biochemist perspective of the aids epidemic in D.C. When asked why the number of African Americans affected by aids is so high, Dr. Mirtha expressed that there are many variables like lifestyle and economic background. It is also not something that has been researched. Dr. Mirtha contributed a lot of helpful information to my group.

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