Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dr. Dana Williams lecture on Research and Methodology, by: Melissa Moise @02644455

The topic of Dr. Dana Williams lecture was Research and Methodology: Inscription as a liberating practice. Dr. Williams began by discussing the purpose of freshman seminar which is independent discovery and to conduct meaningful research. When I think of independent discovery I think of individuals researching on their own and always seeking to learn new things. Then we began to discuss the components of research.
First you must know what your purpose is and what you are searching for. Then you must review what has already been said about your topic and what materials you will need to complete your research. The next component is methodology which is how you will address your topic and how you will collect your data. Then you must determine how you will present your project whether it is a power point or paper. Next your thesis must provide convincing and detailed points. Finally your conclusion should include what new things you discovered about your topic. Your conclusion should also restate your thesis.
Finally Dr. Williams discussed the purposes of freshman seminar this year; which included an awareness of our African ancestors and of course research. Some approaches to achieve this goal include the blogs, mbongis, lectures, African burial ground, and the group project.
This lecture was by far the most helpful because I learned the actual purpose of freshman seminar. In the beginning I thought it would be all about study skills and how to survive college but I quickly realized it was more related to African studies. It was also helpful because we went into detail about the project. I also liked how Dr. Williams used a power point and was engaged with the audience.

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