Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dr. Gbadegesin lecture, by: Melissa Moise @02644455

Dr. Gbadegesin’s lecture was on self-actualization and communal responsibility. He began the lecture by telling an ancient African story that his father once told him. The story began with Iwa, the goddesses of character; who was married to Orunmila the god of wisdom. The only one condition of their marriage was Orunmilla could not stress out Iwa or she would leave him for good. Orunmilla did not listen and began to stress Iwa about cooking and cleaning, so she left and Orunmilla had to beg Suru Iwa’s father for her return. The moral of the story is too never lose your character, because if you do you lose everything. Character is the traits and qualities, like honesty and courage that a person has. If you lose qualities like honesty, you cannot be depended on or trusted.
Then Dr. Gbadegesin began to discuss about those who were before Jesus Christ which includes goddess Ma’at, Vizier Ptahhotep, and Pharaoh Amenemope. Also before the Ten Commandments, there were the principles of Ma’at which were about truth, justice, order, and harmony. Some other texts included the book of instructions, the pyramid texts, and the coffin texts. Some principles of Ma’at included, I have not committed sin, I have not told lies, or I have not made anyone cry just to mention a few.
Finally Dr. Gbadegesin discussed how Ancient Egypt related to Africa. They relate physically, spiritually, and philosophical. I learned that every individual has the responsibility to remake themselves through education and not just through books, but through elders as well. One also has the responsibility to serve the community by educating the younger generations. Overall I enjoyed Dr. Gbadegesin’s lecture, because he shared a personal story, used the drums to explain to us how they are used as a form of education. The power point also helped while taking notes.

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