Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dr. Felder's Lecture on Freedom and Justice By: Melat Gebre @02640216

Dr. Felder's lecture was mainly about the freedom and justice. Dr. Felder started out by saying "In time all that is hidden will come to light". Then he began to speak about the dispersal of African culture. Africa has been marginalized and Europe is the center. This is major paradigm that needs to be dethroned. Freedom is responsibility and has consequences. Freedom and justice are deeply woven in Western culture and this culture traces back to Greece and Rome. Dr. Felder then poses the question was there anything Greece and Rome? It seems as if Africa is forgotten about. Dr. Felder defines freedom as something that "refers to the individual or groups to exercise un-feathered choices such choices will that may or may not determine if a human reaches full potential".  He then rises the point that the Christian bible denies the existence of any colored persons. The African bible rejects the notion that when you open the bible all the people are European. In biblical times there is no sense of race. The bible also depicts women as seducers. Dr. Felder then goes on to say that America is self-serving and leaves out many important facts. He also makes a pun on the word justice, saying that it’s “just-us” meaning justices is for the select few, not for everybody. Dr. Felder then begins to close his lecture with speaking about religion and the bible. He states that Jesus of Nazareth is the justice of God in his human form. Jesus Christ is the icon, the non-mortal. Both Ghandi and Mandela didn’t like how Christianity is practiced by Europeans, but they both admired Jesus. Biblical history is a particular subject matter that I would like to know more about and Dr. Felder’s lecture gave me further insight on this subject. Overall, I enjoyed Dr. Felder’s lecture, but I do feel that the lecture could have been a little more organized and it would have made it easier to understand. 

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