Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dr. Dunston lecture, By: Melissa Moise @02644455

Dr. Dunston is the founding director of the National Human Genome Research Center, and studies the DNA molecule and 30,000 human genes. One of Dr. Dunston’s purposes is to understand why certain diseases have a higher frequency in the African American community. The word genome represents 23 chromosomes with all the genes we inherit, and every cell has the same genomic info. The Genome is also a record book of our ancestors history, and we should read it in order to further understand our ancestors and where we came from. Some of the other topics included “the knowledge revolution”, our purpose in life, and knowing ourselves.

Dr. Dunston explained “the knowledge revolution” as being class of 2014 time. She described class of 2014 as being on time, on point, and on purpose. Dr. Dunston believes that the class of 14” will do great things. I also believe that our class is capable of many things, just because we are in the time of the first black president and so much more. The most important thing I learned is we have to learn how to use our knowledge intelligently to solve a problem or many; otherwise it’s just a waste. One topic that made me think the most is our purpose in life, which is the only reason why God put us on this earth. It made me realize that I need to pray and reflect more to find out why I’m truly here on earth. As of now I believe my purpose is to help those less fortunate than me especially children; and that’s why I want to be a pediatrician. The thing that stood out to me the most is that we are here to answer someone’s prayer. Finally I learned that it’s very important to know yourself first, before you start trying to help other people realize who they are. This is another reason why I need to take time to reflect. Something else that stood out to me is, think about what you think about; which means to really take the time and research about what’s important to you.

In conclusion, Dr. Dunston’s lecture was very inspirational, and it truly made me think about what I want to do with my life. Although the lecture was helpful I wish there was more time for questions, and to go in depth about genome.

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