Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dr. Carr's lecture on learning and wisdom, By: Melissa Moise

The main topic of Dr. Carr’s lecture was the importance of learning from our ancestors, improving our own lives, and teaching younger generations, so they become better than us. It’s important to learn from our ancestors, so we don’t make the same mistakes they did which gives us more time to accomplish things in life. Another reason is so we understand why certain things were done and for what reason. Some ways we can learn from our ancestors is by reading text they left behind, listening to those who came before us, and even visiting Africa to study the monuments and other cultural things. In order to truly learn we must always write, read, and recite. We must also teach younger generations because it is like a cycle. We learn from our ancestors then we teach younger ones so they become even better than us and even the ones before. One way we can teach them is by recording what we know and learned through writing the same way our ancestors did. This cycle is very important because it all relates to improving our lives which is why God put us on earth as well as to help others. Some ways we can improve are lives are always learning from our and others mistakes, and embracing other people and their cultures. Dr. Carr’s lecture was very important and informative because not many people know about the many things African Americans did from being in charge of a library to inventing the first stop light. I benefited from Dr. Carr’s lecture because it made me realize that I need to read more text from my ancestors, and I don’t need to be afraid of my curiosity to learn more. The most important thing I took from the lecture was, true beauty is not what’s on the outside but how you act and carry yourself.

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