Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dr. Felder lecture, By: Melissa Moise

Dr. Felder’s lecture was on freedom and justice. He began his lecture by stating “in time all that is hidden will come to light” which relates to all the new ideas coming from Africa. Most people do not realize that most things originated in Africa. He also mentioned western history, and everything that is important comes from Europe. While speaking on freedom, Dr. Felder asked us “who are the free people, and are we free? He also mentioned how America claims to be the land of the free, but yet we imprison more blacks than any other nation. Then we began to discuss the bible and how it represents Afro-Asianic. Also freedom means the ability to exercise choices whether making good ones or bad. Then Dr. Felder gave an example of Adam and Eve and how the blame of eating the apple needs to be shared, because they both had a choice to make. With freedom comes responsibility and consequences whether one makes a good or bad choice. Then we began to discuss how in the bible most of the time women were blamed for things that men were at fault for. I agree with this because the bible was mostly written by men. Next we discussed justice which has to do with the right relationship and fairness or balance. I began to think about how blacks are still going to jail for crimes they did not commit, or being killed by law enforcements for no reason. The final topic was Jesus of Nazareth which I had a more difficult time understanding what it had to do with justice and freedom. Overall I enjoyed the lecture, and I look forward to reading The Original African Heritage study bible. I would have enjoyed the lecture more if there was a power point to go with it.

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